Category Examples Potential Risks Risky Ingredients Confidence in Causal Relationship Sensitivity Danger (Cancer Type) Risk Rating
Processed Meats Bacon, Sausages, Hot Dogs Colorectal and stomach cancer due to nitrates/nitrites. Nitrates/Nitrites High Medium High (Colorectal, Stomach) 1
Alcohol Beer, wine, spirits Linked to breast, liver, colorectal, esophageal cancers. Ethanol High Medium High (Liver, Esophageal) 2
Charred or Smoked Foods BBQ meats, smoked fish, grilled steaks Can form PAHs and HCAs linked to various cancers. PAHs, HCAs Medium High Medium (Varied) 3
Fried Foods French fries, potato chips Acrylamide, a probable human carcinogen. Acrylamide Medium High Medium (Varied) 4
Red Meats Beef, Pork, Lamb High consumption linked to colorectal cancer. Heme Iron Medium Low High (Colorectal) 5
Salt-Preserved Foods Pickled vegetables, salted fish Associated with stomach cancer. High Salt Content Medium Medium Medium (Stomach) 6
Highly Processed Foods Snack foods, ready-to-eat meals Contains additives and preservatives linked to cancer. Trans Fats, Preservatives Low Medium Medium (Varied) 7
High-Sugar Foods Sugary drinks, candies, pastries Can lead to obesity, increasing risk of various cancers. High Sugar Content Low Medium Medium (Varied) 8
Refined Carbohydrates White bread, white rice, pastries Can contribute to obesity, a risk factor for cancer. Refined Carbohydrates Low Medium Medium (Varied) 9

Additional Notes:

  • Risky Ingredients: Specific components or substances within these foods that contribute to their carcinogenic potential.
  • Trans fats, acrylamide, PAHs, HCAs, nitrates/nitrites, and high salt content are noted for their links to cancer or other health risks.