About samir.ghosh@gmail.com

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So far samir.ghosh@gmail.com has created 69 blog entries.
8 May 2012

Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel Prize 1921

2017-07-31T17:48:55+00:00May 8th, 2012|Quotes|Comments Off on Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel Prize 1921

“Our task must be to free ourselves . . . by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”
Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel […]

29 Mar 2012

Neonicotinoids are killing our bees!

2013-06-26T07:25:50+00:00March 29th, 2012|Educational|Comments Off on Neonicotinoids are killing our bees!

Neonicotinoid pesticides tied to crashing bee populations, 2 studies find


Monsanto lobbied against banning even though this has been a known to wipe out bees for 10 years


15 Mar 2012

Organic vs. Conventional

2012-03-15T00:08:59+00:00March 15th, 2012|Reference|Comments Off on Organic vs. Conventional

Organic vs. Conventional

See “Misquotes” on Rutger’s site regarding this original study.

And following are some counterpoints and counter-counterpoints:

15 Jan 2012

Nutrition Reference List – Ongoing List of Best Books, Documentaries, and Websites

2024-10-02T16:35:27+00:00January 15th, 2012|Getting Started, Reference|Comments Off on Nutrition Reference List – Ongoing List of Best Books, Documentaries, and Websites

Following is a list of resources (films, books, websites) for those wanting to start taking better control of their and the Earth’s health. And I hope even those more advanced on this path may find some nuggets of new education. To your & our health!


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