
Where to start?

Taking agency over your nutrition is the start to a healthier, longer, happier life.  And education is the first step to agency.  Start with my Reference List  to find a book or documentary that sounds interesting to you.  Once you learn more about nutrition and health, you will realize how much more there is to learn and how important it is for you to take responsibility and make your own nutrition choices.


Samir Adams Ghosh

Samir Adams Ghosh

Samir was exposed to complexities and importance of nutrition at an early age by his mother, and has driven to learn more by loved one health issues, and 15 years coaching endurance events. You can find out more about Samir at: www.Ghosh.com

Cutting Calories To Add Years (Summary)

Recent research indicates that caloric restriction may slow human aging:
  • Study Overview: The CALERIE phase 2 clinical trial involved 220 healthy adults aged 21–50. Participants were divided into a control group with no dietary changes and a study group instructed to reduce calorie intake by 25% over two years.
  • Findings: On average, the calorie-restricted group achieved a 12% reduction in caloric intake. This group exhibited a 2–3% decrease in the pace of aging, as measured by the DunedinPACE algorithm, which analyzes DNA methylation patterns to assess biological aging. This reduction correlates with a 10–15% decrease in mortality risk, comparable […]
February 17th, 2023|Categories: Aging, Calories|Comments Off on Cutting Calories To Add Years (Summary)

Ultra-Processed Foods Are Killing You (Summary)

This Newsweek article discusses the significant health risks associated with the high consumption of ultra-processed foods in the United States:

  • Obesity Rates: Approximately 42% of American adults are obese, with 10% of children aged 2 to 5 and 20% of teenagers also affected. Ultra-processed foods are a contributing factor to these statistics.
  • Diabetes Prevalence: Half of American adults have diabetes or pre-diabetes, conditions linked to diets high in ultra-processed foods.
  • Health Risks: Consumption of ultra-processed foods is associated with increased risks of cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers, and mental health disorders.
  • Dietary Shift: The American diet has shifted […]
November 17th, 2022|Categories: Processed, Reference|Comments Off on Ultra-Processed Foods Are Killing You (Summary)
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